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Professional Portfolio Tasting

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A truly 1st of its kind in RomaniaWorld of Wines is an event name which brings homage to you, our partners.

World of Wines (WOW) is an event which brings homage to our worldwide premium wines portfolio. WOW will be the first ever professional Portfolio Wine Tasting to be held in Romania. It is a wonderful challenge that we are embracing wholeheartedly as it also marks the company’s first decade since being established. It would be our great pleasure to see you at this wonderful event!

World of Wines (WOW) este un eveniment ce-și propune să omagieze portofoliul nostru de vinuri premium din toată lumea. WOW va fi prima degustare profesională a întregului portofoliu al unui importator din România și este o provocare pe care o îmbrățișăm cu inimile deschise și pentru că marchează 10 ani de la fondarea VINIMONDO. Va fi o adevărată plăcere să vă vedem la acest minunat eveniment!

Award Ceremony The VINIMONDO 10th year Anniversary

Why are we doing this event?

HoReCa #1

VINIMONDO is now proudly the number one HoReCa premium wine importer in Romania, and this has been achieved thanks to exquisite partnerships with the most prestigious names in the wine world. As a result, our portfolio now includes over 1,000 labels of handpicked exceptional wines.

VINIMONDO este acum importatorul numărul 1 de vinuri premium din România și asta datorită parteneriatelor excepționale cu cele mai prestigioase nume din lumea vinului. Ca rezultat, portofoliul VINIMONDO include peste 1000 de etichete de top.

Over 1,000

Our portfolio is now comfortably over 1,000 labels, which is a not an easy milestone to be reached by what is still a young company.

First Professional Portfolio Wine Tasting

The time has come to mark this milestone with an event of this magnitude and be, once again, innovators as this will be the first Professional Portfolio Wine Tasting in Romania.

When & Where

When will take place?

We are hopeful that these current unfortunate circumstances will be over soon, and all businesses will be back to normal, as we will communicate at the earliest, the date on which the event will take place next year.

Where will the event take place?The venue chosen for the event is called “Palatul Bragadiru” (Bragadiru Palace) conveniently located in the heart of the capital, but somehow tucked away from the buzz and noise of city.

It is a historical monument, which has its origins at the end of the 19th century, when a famous Austrian architect called Anton Shuckerl, drafted its blueprints. The entire domain bears the name of its founder, Dumitru Marinescu Bragadiru, as the construction began in 1905 to what was to become a “Cultural Palace”.

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